Friday, December 19, 2008

Quick Fat Loss Workout for Women!

Here's a quick fat loss workout that you can do in about 10 minutes or less. Make sure you do 3 rounds of this whole circuit. Great fat loss workout when you are in a hurry!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This is a very common question. What supplements should I take? There are so many supplements and supplement companies so which ones should I take?

One thing you need to know is that supplements are just what the name implies "supplements". In other words, they are supposed to supplement your diet and not make up for a "bad" diet. Some people think they can eat bad all day and just supplement, thinking that makes up for a bad diet.

The majority of your nutrients should be coming from your diet while supplements should be used in case you didn't get all the required nutrients, to enhance health beyong a normal diet, and enhance performance if you are an athlete or bodybuilder.

The top supplements I recommend are

1. Multi-vitamin/mineral supplement - This is just to make sure you cover your bases and get at least the minimum requirements. There is controversy about taking higher doses . I personally take higher doses but that's your decision.

2. Whey protein - This is a complete, quickly absorbed protein that is ideal especially after a workout. If made the right way, it also has immune boosting benefits. This all depends on how the company makes it.

3. Creatine - This is a great performance enhancing supplements backed by research and numerous studies. It's great for anaerobic activities like sprinting, weight lifting, etc.. but not good for endurance activities. It also has some anti-aging benefits. I can send you a free report "The Creating Report" if you email me at & sign up for my newsletter at

4. Omega 3, 6, & 9 - These healthy fats have been shown to have heart healthy benefits and numerous other benefits like reducing inflammation, joint pain, etc...

I use Udo's Choice Oil Blend but there are many products out there.

5. L-Glutamine - This amino acid is great for recovery and the immune system. After you workout, your l-glutamine levels are depleted and studies have shown that depleted glutamine levels are associated with an increased chance of infection.

I highly recommend the supplement company Life Extensions. Their website is

So those are my top supplement recommendations. For a complete unbiased supplement review I recommend buy either one of these books:

Fat Loss Revealed or Bodybuilding Revealed

Saturday, December 13, 2008

15 Minute Fat Loss Workout!

Here is a quick fat loss & muscle building workout you can do in less than 15 minutes. Ideal for busy times when you can get a full workout in. Check it out below!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is the Best Ab Workout for Belly Fat Loss?

by Mike Geary

The answer to the age-old question of "What is the best ab workout for losing stomach fat?" is...
None! Ab workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss.

As a trainer, nutrition specialist, and fitness professional, I often get asked what the best types of exercises and workouts are for losing stubborn stomach fat in order to bring out visible six pack abs. The problem is that most people with excess stomach fat looking to try to uncover their abs are searching for some "miracle abdominal workout" that is going to slash the fat off their abs in no time.

The thing is... they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! The truth is that you don't lose stomach fat by doing ab workouts.

The problem is that focusing most of your time and effort on abdominal exercises and abs workouts to try to flatten your stomach and bring out 6-pack abs is simply wasting your time from doing the correct workout programs that will acutally reduce your body fat for good.
If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following: various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.

These types of full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design instead of abs exercises directly targeting the midsection. The way you combine those full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important.

Don't get me wrong... I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not specifically targeting the abs.

Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".

So let's clear this up for good...

Stop wasting so much of your time focusing on situps, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop 6-pack abs. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Couple that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will yours in no time!

Check out below for more of my key strategies for getting flat sexy 6-pack abs for life. Learn more about my secret strategies for losing stubborn stomach fat at the internet's authority for

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Some women and even men suffer from flat butt syndrome or flabby butt syndrome, haha. So we want to know how can we firm up and build muscle in that area?

The butt or the muscles in the butt are known as the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius. Like any muscle, the way to make them bigger is to make them do more work. For example making them stronger with weight training where you progressively increase the weight. Basically, you make a muscle stronger and if you are eating enough calories, it will get bigger.

Focus on strength training and exercises that put the most stress on your glutes. Exercises like squats, lunges, split squats, step ups, etc.. work the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps effectively. Don't waste your time doing isolation exercises like kickbacks because they will not increase muscle mass very much in your butt.

The exercises I listed will put more tension in your glutes and get you better results.

By the way, you should also work your whole body and not just work one area. I would recommend you do weight training for your whole body 2 to 3 times a week and include cardio 3 to 5 times a week.

Your diet is extremely important so you may want to look at the food guide pyramid,,, or other websites.

In conclusion focus on strength training. Compound movements and not isolation movements will get you best results. Make sure you are eating healthy and enough calories to build muscle.

Carlos Torres, Personal Trainer

Click below for a great Fat Loss workout!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Is it possible to undereat and not lose weight?


Is it possible to undereat and not lose weight?

For years I've had anxiety/concentration problems that were just getting worse. Then I counted the calories I was having on a daily basis and it was between 800 and 1500 or so. I felt like crap and didn't finish meals and skipped many. I didn't seem to lose weight though. I'm now eating way more food and don't seem to be piling on the pounds but mentally I'm doing way better. How come I wasn't hungry and how come I didn't lose lots of weight?


You weren't hungry and weren't losing weight because your metabolism slows down as an adaptation to not eating alot.Your body switches to starvation mode and starts to conserve calories and store fat when it's not getting enough calories and infrequently.By eating a little bit more and small frequent meals, you can actually speed up your metabolism to burn more fat and calories.It's amazing how the human body works! It's basically a survival mechanism. If you ran out of food , your body would help you live longer by slowing down it's metabolism.

Hope that helps.

FREE report "Weight Loss Secrets Revealed"